terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2007

Revision Exercises

This is a selection of activities you can do to help you get prepared for the final exams.

Part 2- Final Project: LISTENING SITES

Well students, we've come to the end of semester and I'd like to congratulate you on your progress this semester. You tried very hard to use English in class and were very active throughout the classes. I hope I can be your teacher again in the future, so next semester, remember to use all the opportunity you have to improve your English, not only in the classroom but also watching films in English at home and using the wonderful sites you got to know during the final project.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
My objective with the Listening Sites Project was to give you the chance to see how you can improve your listening. You don't need to rely only on what we cover in class,in fact that's very little, you can take an active role in your learning and go after new knowledge.

These are some pictures taken during your oral presentations this month. I bet some felt nervous as speaking another language in public can be hard, I know, so here is a round of applause to all of you.

Listen to the recorded statements we made in class. Students talked about this semester and next, they mentioned what they liked or didn't like, what they learned and their expectations for next semester. Students, listen to yourselves and try to identify your voices.

segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2007

Our COMIC story

As we are learning reported speech, I decided to use some of your pictures to make a comic strip. Read it and try to report what each person said.
a comic strip!

segunda-feira, 11 de junho de 2007

A Special treat

A listening exercise: A SONG
Grammar with cartoons: PAST PERFECT